
Buenos Aires – Argentina

After leaving Australia on the 15th of November and had some road blocks we arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I like Buenos Aires, it has a beautiful architecture in some parts of the city, it has good restaurants, it is easy to travel around by subway and cheap to travel by taxi. What I didn’t like about Buenos Aires was the dog poop on the walk side, I don’t know what is wrong with these dog owners but they definitely don’t pick up after their dogs.

Packing and leaving

We are packing and leaving for one entire year. Next Monday we will be putting our stuff in a container that will stay stored for a whole year. Where are we going? I heard you asking. We are going to Brazil to visit family and to travel through South America. We are planning to go not only to Brazil, but to Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Equador, Chile and Uruguay. In fact we are starting with 10 days in a nice apartment Buenos Aires, Argentina.

One special visit

My mom is here visiting us and she is loving Sydney. We are taking her around the city and showing her someone of the Sydney’s famous spots. She is very impressed with the city’s beauty specially the flowers at this time of the year (spring). She will stay with us for one month and she is preparing some of my favourite dishes like the Parmigiana Eggplant. We have been to the Opera House to see a play called Our Town.

My raw food diet

I have been reading for a while about fruit and vegetable juices and I have purchased a book on the topic called 7lbs in 7 days. It sounds like a diet programme, and in fact it is but that is not the reason I am doing it. The reason I decide to do it is because I read here that a diet based on fruits and vegetable juices can help clear the skin for patients with psoriasis, so I am giving it a try.