
What I am looking foward in 2024

This is sort of a new years resolution. I don’t remember doing any post like that in this almost 20 years that I am blogging. Oh! That is right! 2024 I will celebrate 20 years of blogging. I will make sure I write something special on the day to celebrate. But for now let’s put together a list of things I would like to get in 2024. I would start with this blog, back in June 2023 I did a 30 day challenge where I wrote a post a day.

App Defaults

Inspired by Hemispheric Views 097 - Duel of the Defaults! and this list of other people posts by Robb here. Those are mine: 📨 Mail Client Mail.app (iOS) / Proton Webmail (Desktop) 📮 Mail Server Protonmail / Migadu for custom domains 📝 Notes Notes.app ✅ To-Do Reminders 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting iOS Camera 🟦 Photo Management Photos.app 📆 Calendar Calendar.app (Desktop) / Google Calendar (iOS) 📁 Cloud File Storage Dropbox 📖 RSS

My Own Digital Garden On The Web

I’ve been hearing and seeing some examples about Digital Gardens around the IndieWeb, and I always wonder if I should create one for myself. So when I saw Mark Sutherland’s call for the August’s carnival challenge on the topic of Gardening I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to create one. Making that decision was the easy part. Then I started to research and looking around for examples. In the IndieWeb wiki there is a page with a few resources on Digital Garden with links for other peoples creations.

I did it

Well a full month with 30 posts, one per day. It was a bit challenged at some days. Sometimes I didn’t know what to write about. But I didn’t shy. A lot of my posts were for myself in the future. I think I will appreciate look how I was thinking and what interested me in say 10 or 20 years from now. And what now? Apart from a few ideas I think on this space I will be writing less frequent but I will be posting here every time I find something interesting.

Zone out activities

There are some activities that I can do with out have to pay attention to much and they ended up been enjoyable because have a relaxing feeling to it since a little effort is need to engage with it. Two that come to mind are washing the dishes and hanging the clothes in the clothe’s line. Many times I have done such activities while watching a video or listening to a podcast.


Another great project that I found out about Redecentralize, besides this fantastic name, the project tries to bring attention to the original intent of the internet to be open and are focused on privacy, transparency and autonomy. The website has a few good coursed and they had compiled a list of open source projects that can help individuals to take back the internet and avoid using software from big companies. There is also a compiled interviews with 20 founders of decentralized projects.