


Do something small everyday with consistency and when you look on the long run we will have accomplished a lot.

A few examples are: read ten pages of a book everyday and in a year will be over 3000 pages or a video course with 30 hours so you study one hour a day and the course will be finished in a month, or even clean a room of your house per day and in a week your home will be cleaned.

Now let’s apply this for software development and in particular open source software where you have a limit time to work on. (Assuming you have a full time job) You can approach the software development with the same idea. Fix a bug per day. Breal down feature into small peaces, need to build a entire user profile screen, separate the user profile, the content fields, the parsing logic, the network request. You got the idea. Once you have these tasks breakingdown and you tackle one per day, you will see how much you can accomplish has the weeks pass by.