



This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://

Over the weekend I managed to disconnect for a bit. It wasn’t perfect I still used my phone but at least I didn’t use my computer. This my sounds crazy but I have been using my computer everyday and since WFH it’s almost completing one year I was feeling like I was all the time connect since I work from the same desk that I spend my own time own the computer too.

So on Saturday was a day without computer and it got me thinking about spending more quality time on the computer. Less consuming content and more producing something. If I am learning something new I should try to apply that in a side project and avoid wtach things online for entretainment, unless it is a Netflix show or other series or movies during lessure time on the weekend’s evenings.

I think if I take this approach over a period of time it will add up and I will be learning new things and also have something to show for it.

But the best thing in all of this it will be to be less of a consumer and more of a producer / creator.