
Facebook Economy

Last month CNN Money put up an article titled The Facebook Economy. The Article is very worth reading. It talks about people and companies writing applications for Facebook and the business model involved. It is not a surprise that most of them base their model on advertisement, but what is a surprise, at least for me, it is the number of Facebook users that a single application can have. There are some numbers in the article in the range of millions.

Google Docs, the real ASP!

Application Service Provider, when I first heard that the first think that came to my mind was a Microsoft Word like application being able to work in a browser. I can’t remember which year was it, but I can tell you that was a long time ago. Today when I watched this video bellow, I thought we finally got there, the day that Word got into the browser.

Thirty Day Challenge

Gabi and I joined the Thirty Day Challenge, an online challenge that aims to make $10 in 30 days. The guys behind this are Ed Dale (an aussie from Melbourne) and Dan Raine. Anyway I have to go the challenge will be online in 5 minutes I can’t wait for it. Do you want to know more about it? Visit the site.

The Overseas dream!

My wife and I just got today the news that our Australian Permanent Resident Visa was approved. It is a very happy moment for us. I am living in Australia since March 2004 and it was a long way for me since I first got here. As many of you my Portuguese readers might remember from my post on Perdido pelo Mundo I came here to study English for 4 months then decide to extend my visa to study IT and at the same time got a part time job in IT too.

30 Years old

Oh! Yeah! Last month I completed 30 years old. What a crazy thing? I don’t know why everyone, including me, make a big deal out of the 30 years. But besides of this big number, I think I have a lot of stuff to celebrate. I like to think about the fact that I crossed the world I am here surviving and very happy, of course. You can clearly see on this picture my reason to be happy, and I am not talking about the cake.