
Finding new blogs with feedle


I’ve been using Feddle for a while but recently I’ve started signing up for RSS from Feedle searches in my feed reader. The way I have it setup is I create a search on Feedle for a specific term, let’s say “fediverse”, then I use the URL like this and add it to my feed reader, now every new post that show up in Feedle in that term it will be on my feed.

This has streamline discoverability of new blogs for me. When I new post shows up that I find interesting I visit the blog, learn about it’s author, read other posts and if I like what I read I added that blog to my feed reader.

A tool like Feedle is great to find blogs to read. I’ve also seeing people setting up a different open source tool called OpenOrb, different from Feedle, each instance of OpenOrb is curated by the instance owner and you can search by terms on those blogs and website added to OpenOrb. This is similar to a Blogroll but the difference is that you are searching blogs.

Now back to Feedle, you can fill up their form to be added to their database and start showing up on their search results. I have added my blog there and I already found myself in the results. Tools like this are great and essencial to find great content in the IndieWeb.