
Tracking reading and watching


I’ve seen some people keeping tracking of what they are reading and watching on their blogs. I have done some posts in the past talking about tv shows and movies I’ve seen but never made tracking a habit.

As I consider starting tracking things I read and watch I have been thinking what would be the best format for doing this. Should I just make a normal blog post, should I have a separated session on my website just for this or should I include it on my garden.

I feel that if I add to my garden it would be the right thing for a garden, since it would be something that would be cultivated overtime and grow as I read and watch more. The only thing that I am not too sure is the chronological aspect of this type of publication. I think they are important at least for reference in the future and since a garden isn’t supposed to be chronological, it might not be the best place for this.

I will think a bit more about it and I will keep looking around to see how others are doing. I may even try a couple of things to see how it feels.