
Mastodon community


I’ve been spending sometime on Mastodon recently. I’ve also created a account in a Mastodon instance for Brazilians. And I’ve started participating in some of the hashtag organized posts the Brazilian community is doing on Mastodon. And it’s been awesome.

My favourite is #musiquinta where the organizer together with the community comes up with a theme for the week’s posts. So musiquinta is about music and happens every quinta-feira which mens Thursday in Portuguese. Last Thursday was female voices in music and my pick was Royals from Lorde.

But there is a hashtag for each day of the week, for Monday is for games, Tuesday is for cinema/movies, Wednesday is for books, Friday is for TV Shows. On Saturday I believe everyone just does what the rest of Mastodon is doing which is #Caturday but on Sunday is about the Sunday lunch, so everyone posts a dish.

As I said it’s been really fun to participate and if you speak Portuguese come and join us, you can follow me here.