
My Favourite Albums


Listening to music has always been a favourite thing to do since my early teenager years. I like to think that it is a big part of my life today. These days when we have all the songs at our fingertips or ears buds, there is no excuse not to listen to music.

There is a specific set of albums that a really enjoyed to listen to back in the day that until today I always find myself going back to over and over again.

So when I discovered this service called Album Whale I thought I would create a list of these albums and share with everyone. If you don’t know Album Whale it is a very cool free service that let you create list of albums share it with others and also explore what others are creating. It will like direct to the albums in several music streaming services. The service was created by the folks at Good Enough the same people behind Pika.Page and Yay.Boo.