
Getting back to Gemini

My Gemini capsule (gemini://gmi.antonio.is) is up and running now but is out of date. I initially had my Gemini running on my Odroid but since I can’t have the Odroid setup right now I decided to use Flounder for my Gemini needs. If you are not familiar with Gemini is a protocol that was created not long ago to be a simpler web. It basically focus on text content. And because is simpler it doesn’t have tracking and other annoying things that the web does.

Hacker Public Radio

One podcast that I enjoy listen to from time to time is the Hacker Public Radio or HPR for short. Most of the episodes are about geek stuff. But what I find most interesting about HPR is who it is a community organized podcast, meaning that each episode is submitted by a community member. Anyone can submit a podcast and there is a review process for new participants. The only rule around the topic is that need to be something that interest hackers.

The power of sleep

I find that there isn’t anything more restoring that a good night of sleep. I’ve been trying to get at least eight hours of sleep per night. Sometimes I don’t get to bed until late but most of my mornings I don’t have anything to pressing so I can stay in bed a bit longer. When I don’t sleep enough I feel I am agitated during the day and is harder to focus.

A Twitter Spaces like service on Mastodon

Today I will talk about another open source project, this time it is a platform that brings Twitter Spaces to Mastodon. The project is called Audon and named after Audio + Mastodon. I think the killer feature of this platform is that it works with Mastodon. I tested it today and it works well. I used what I believe it is the official instance. There isn’t a lot of information para the project in their Git repo, but I used two different accounts from different Mastodon instances and I managed to have a conversation like one would on Twitter Spaces.

Smol web

Today I have learned about this Smol Pub base on the ideas of the Small Web, which are loosely defined but basically is to create websites in a fun and creative way. And Smol Pub goes beyond when it publishes all the content not only for the web but in Gemini and Gopher. The project is free to use and it’s code is open sourced. I simply love this type of projects and are simple and get the job done.


Yunohost is a fenomenal tool if you want to quickly run and administrate open source software on your own server, may be at home (as I did in the past) or in a VPS (as I started doing now). It allow you to install a large number of apps with basically one click, the apps range from Wordpress to Mastodon, passing through Nextcloud and even some web games. The admin interface is very intuitive and allows you to use multiple domains and has scripts to create Let’s Encrypt certificates with a single click.