
What I am looking foward in 2024


This is sort of a new years resolution. I don’t remember doing any post like that in this almost 20 years that I am blogging. Oh! That is right! 2024 I will celebrate 20 years of blogging. I will make sure I write something special on the day to celebrate.

But for now let’s put together a list of things I would like to get in 2024. I would start with this blog, back in June 2023 I did a 30 day challenge where I wrote a post a day. It was really rewarding to me. So in 2024 I would like to write more ehere and perhaps have a few challenges along the way. Like, one photo a day, 10 links day, a post a day, a long article a day, or a series style post.

Secondly, I would like to collaborate to open source. Back in May 2023, I’ve talked to Mark Sutherland about collaborate with the IndiePass iOS app. Mark was really kind and gave me access to the repo and I have done some code clean up and made it compile again with the latest Xcode. But I was sort of fixing a few critical bugs and push it to the App Store. I hope I can do this in 2024.

Another open source project that I would like to start would be a publishing platform. I want to build something simple with the main objective is to learn some web developement. Ever since I stop working on server-side Java I haven’t touch any web developement. Perhaps I could develop something using PHP which is simple and run everywhere.

One other project that I want to dedicate more time to it is the three blog project. Which I think it will ended up been only two blogs. One would be this blog and the other my portuguese blog with tips to have your onw space on the web that I started under another domain I own with my name on it.

Last but not least I would like to start a exercise rotine. I want to think how I am going to achive this. Perhaps join a gym or using an app. I still need to decide.

Well, I hope I can archive all this and more along the way of 2024.